With FariHost’s CDN, you’ll get a Website Acceleration Suite which gives you the tools to help get your Google PageSpeed Score to 100/100. You can access this from within the package you’d like to optimise via: Manage Hosting -> Manage -> Web Optimisation The module improves website load times by automatically implementing web performance best practices to website. This includes optimising images, JavaScript minification and combining CSS – all to improve website load times. You’ll be able to select the One Click Optimisation section to add the recommended settings which should add the ideal, safe settings to improve website load times. Because page speed is a direct ranking factor for your websites ensuring these options are selected within the FariHost control panel can help ensure your websites are optimised for SEO. Does using FariHost's CDN hurt my SEO? Not at all, completely the opposite. It's critical that web agencies, designers, and web professionals produce fast website experience for their customers. Over 50% of all web traffic comes from mobile - using FariHost's Website Acceleration Suite your websites are optimised to perform well under Google's PageSpeed score, both for mobile and desktop.